Toss: An airborne stunt where base(s) execute a throwing motion initiated from waist level to increase the height of the top person.

The top person becomes free from all contact of bases, bracers and/or other top persons.

The top person is free from performing surface when toss is initiated (ex: basket toss or sponge toss). Top person must have both feet in/on hands of bases at initiation of toss. Top persons in separate tosses may not come in contact with each other.

Requires a minimum of 3, maximum of 4 tossing bases. All bases must have feet on the performing surface and remain stationary during toss. Tosses must be caught in cradle position by at least 3 bases one of which is positioned at the head and shoulder area of the top person.

No stunt, pyramid, individual, or prop may move over or under a toss, and a toss may not be thrown over, under, or through stunts, individuals or props. Only a single top person is allowed during a toss.

All multi-based waist level cradles in which the bases begin underneath the top person’s feet will be considered a toss and must follow toss rules.

Twisting Tosses: Twisting is cumulative. All twisting up to 1 1/4 is considered 1 skill, exceeding 1 1/4 up to 2 1/4 is two skills. ie. A 1/2 twist, X, 1/2 twist is considered 2 skills: 1 full twist and 1 additional skill.

(The definition used in the video is different, but the example shown in the video remains useful)