Please select one of the modules below to begin FUNdamentals III – Building. Stunts are first and Pyramids begin with FUN3 B.12.
FUN3 B.1 – “Body Positions on Performance Surface”
Introduction to body positions used in stunting.
Body Positions on Performance Surface
FUN3 B.2 – “Hang Drill – 1 Foot Load”
Intro to Hang Drill – 2 Bases, 1 Spotter, 1 Top Person
FUN3 B.3 – “Show & Go”
Intro to Show & Go – 2 Bases, 1 Spotter, 1 Top person
FUN3 B.4 – “Traditional Prep”
Intro to Traditional Prep – 2 Bases, 1 Spotter, 1 Top Person
FUN3 B.5 – “Mastering The Show & Go with the Traditional Prep”
Mastering the Traditional Prep -2 Bases, 1 Spotter, 1 Top Person with choreography counts. In this Module we are going to master the Tradition Prep and teach the counts so it can be placed in routine! Please be sure that your athletes are comfortable with the set up positions and drills that were taught in Modules 2-4. Review if necessary!
FUN3 B.6 – “Single Leg Thigh Stand Thigh Stunt – Opposite Leg”
Using the same progressions as the SIngle Leg Thigh Stand Stunt taught in FUN1 Module 6 – we will introduce Top Person starting on the opposite foot (standing on left) and Single Thigh Stunt Liberty before moving to the Tic Toc in Module 7.
FUN3 B.7 – “Tic Toc Single Leg Thigh Stunt”
Learning how to perform a Tic Toc – A stunt that is held in a static position on one leg, Base(s) dip and release Top Person in an upward fashion, as the Top Person switches their weight to the other leg and lands in a static position on their opposite leg.
FUN3 B.8 – “Mastering The Tic Toc in a Stunt Sequence”
Mastering Tic Toc – 1 Base, 1 Spotter, 1 Top Person with choreography counts. In this Module we are going to master the Tic Toc and teach the counts so it can be placed in routine! Please be sure that your athletes are comfortable with the set up positions and drills that were taught in Modules 6-7. Review if necessary!
FUN3 B.9 – “Prep Level Liberty With Brace”
Learning how to perform a prep level Liberty with a Brace. We are going to use back Spotter as the Bracer for this stunt. Be sure that the group has mastered the single leg waist stunt (FUN 2 – Module 7) and understands all concepts of the step/lock/tighten drills.
FUN3 B.10 – “Quarter Up to Single Leg Waist with Optional Body Positions”
Using the same exact concept as the Single Leg Waist Level Stunt we will introduce a twisting transition – 1 or 2 Bases, 1 Spotter, 1 Top Person. Stunt can either start to the left wall and 1⁄4 to the front for Liberty, and Heel Stretch position, or start to the front and quarter turn to the right wall for Arabesque and Scale body positions.
FUN3 B.11 – “Braced Prep Lib to a Quarter Up to Single Leg Waist Stunt”
Mastering Braced Lib to a Quarter Up to a Single Leg Stunt – 2 Bases, 1 Spotter, 1 Top Person with choreography counts.
FUN3 B.12 – “Pyramid Choreography”
Mastering the Stunt Techniques and Body Positions within FUNdamentals 3 – 4 Bases, 2 Spotters, 2 Top People. This is the same approach and techniques used in Building Module 5 – Mastering The Show & Go with the Traditional Prep, Building Module 9 – Prep Level Liberty With Brace, Building Module 10 – Quarter Up to Single Leg Waist with Optional Body and FUNdamentals 1 Module 5 Double Base Thigh Stand. We are putting all three stunt sections together to create a pyramid sequence.
We will use additional people to connect to the Top Person’s Arm and leg to create a pyramid for the routine in this module. You can vary these connections into multiple groups, a single line or one individual group – all depending on how many athletes you have in the class.